Monday, January 21, 2008

Where oh Where Did the U.S. Media Go?

On January 6th, 2008 and January 20th, 2008, The Sunday Times of London broke a huge story internationally concerning the conduct of U.S. government officials that included passing nuclear secrets on the international blackmarket, sabotaging counter intelligence efforts, and a cover up in the F.B.I. of documentation( , ). It all concerns the ongoing saga of F.B.I. whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, a contract linguist or language specialist hired by the F.B.I. after September 11th, 2001 because they needed more translators, and what she heard listening to taped conversations in her job capacity and what she ran into on the job including moles for suspect interests and criminal activities. She has pursued this through all proper channels of government and her unclassified testimony to congress was retroactively classified by the Justice Department, in my opinion, through improper application of the "States Secrets Privilege", again, in my opnion, to silence her and protect corrupt parties rather than to protect intelligence methods. For background, I suggest readers go to reknown Sibel Edmonds case expert lukery's blog and Sibel's website and Bradblog .

The condition of the U.S. press concerning this story is well described by Daniel Ellsberg of the Pentagon Papers fame at Bradblog . But in hindsight, should we be surprised at the failure of today's media? Afterall, this is the media of Judith Miller and the selling of the Iraq war with all its lies and exaggerations and links to Scooter Libby and the media of Bob Novak who helped knock out counter proliferation efforts by exposing the identity of the C.I.A. 's Valerie Plame. In this crucial part of our history, the U.S. media no longer is the fourth estate or watchdog. It seems more to be an arm of government conspirators and cover up operations.